Level 8 - "Cave System" EARLY VERSION

"Drip, drop, drip drop… The water drips from the stalactites in beats, casting a drippy sound throughout the chasms of rock and stone… The main chapter ends here…"


The first photo of Level 0

The main photo of Level 8. Dark.

Alternate region

First photo of Level 8.

Level 8 is a massive, infinitely-expanding cave system that chasms, vines and all the general cave sort. Massive stalactites loom from the ceiling in most areas of this labyrinth of stone and in some sections they can be on the ground too (typically the sub-merged areas.) Another thing that is common throughout the whole level is how the level is mostly drowned out in darkness, but not to the extent of Level 6. The level is also really cold, often dropping below -4 degrees celsius.

The Cave System is also one of the only levels to only contain natural things, absolutely nothing here looks man-made. It's quite literally a cave system that you'd find in The Frontrooms, except here, the bounds of reality do not apply so the level still has that typical Backrooms-y charm where just nothing seems to make any sense.

This is one of the most dangerous levels in terms of environmental hazards, since it's so dark you could easy just walk off an edge and into a dark abyss or straight into some ground stalactites, the floor could always just crumble beneath you (or the ceiling) and the sections entirely submerged in water can be an absolute killer.

Sounds of something crawling can be heard in this level.


After swimming below the waves of Level 7, you will eventually notice that the level has just seamlessly faded into Level 8.

Submerging into water at any other water level can lead back here very rarely.


Falling into a puddle could lead to you falling out of a puddle in Level 9.

Being under the watery areas for too long could lead to any water level.

The Frontrooms..?