Anomalous Level #4

The Shady gray is a mostly safe level so long as you get out before the night falls. The level is devoid of all color and just has an iconic grayscale palette and appears to represent a forest and some parts represent a tundra. If you were to ever enter this level you will always find a log cabin in a state of disrepair with no furnishings but an old analog clock. You will be needing this to know how long you have left to flee the level as if you are still in there when it turns night, well, let’s just say that the last time you woke up was the last. So, you’ll want to get out before then unless you have a death wish.

Night and day pass instantly, no transition, nothing. Instant. At night, you will hear some kind of eerie howling even though The Backrooms has no living things inhabiting it apart from the unfortunate souls that happened to noclip so thus the source is unknown.

The only known entrance to The Shady Gray is at complete random in Level 12.4.

The only known exit from The Shady Gray is by drawing an octagon in the mud with a stick, leading you to a random level. Make sure this happens during the day though.