Level 2 - "Pipe Dreams"
"Water droplets hit the cold, stone floor with a quiet thud..."
Level 2 is a vast and claustrophobic area of integrated tunnels, usually containing pipes along the left or right wall. The walls are made of worn concrete and sometimes even bits are starting to peel off. There are rarely any large rooms in the entire level, however some do exist, but chances of finding them are next to zero so you'll mostly be wandering through utility and maintenance tunnels. Level 2 is also the final level that can be directly accessed from The Frontrooms (reality) excluding Level 11 as that one is due to anomalous reasoning. The level key for Level 2 is found in Level 1 like all keys and it has the appearance of a worn, metal key that reeks of sewage.
Water leaks from the ceilings constantly in Level 2, in fact it takes up most of the background noise, but despite this, Level 2 is actually a very dry level unless you break one of the pipes open but the liquid that flows through them is not drinkable in the slightest so this would be an utter waste of your time. However, there are some tunnels in the level that are a lot more worn down than the rest and do actually contain water at the bottom and appears to be a dirty version of the water found in Level 12.
Temperatures in Level 2 can vary depending on whereabouts in the level you actually are but usually floats between 5 - 10 degrees celsius.
As you get deeper into Level 2, the lights slowly start to disappear and the amount of utility pipes and over various things lining the walls begin to dwindle, as well as the actual condition of the walls and floor too. The reason for this is unknown but it's recommended to avoid this part of the level wherever possible during your stay here.
More to this is going to be added soon.
A random office door in Level 1 will lead here.
Wandering for weeks in Level 1 will also lead here.
A fire exit in the basement of Level 0 will lead here.
The Hub.
A fire exit will usually lead to Level 3.
A janitor closet can rarely lead to Level 4.
Other random doors can lead back to Level 1.